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Old Naval Hospital - Property History

Transfer to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia

Transfer of the Old Naval Hospital to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia

Letter dated April 26, 1962, from L. E. Nunnally, Chief, Real Property Division, Utilization 
and Disposal Service, General Services Administration, to Harlow Dammann, Director, Real Estate 
Division, District Public Works Office, Potomac River Naval Command, U.S. Naval Gun Factory, 
Washington DC, transferring the Old Naval Hospital to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia.


U.S. Naval Hospital, Washington, D.C. Ninth St. and Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E. [Commissioned October 1, 1866] by E. Caylor Bowen, Editor, Transplantation Research Program Center, Naval Medical Research Institute, Naval Medical Command, National Capital Region, Bethesda, Maryland.

Letter nunnally

APR 26, 1962

Mr. Harlow Dammann

Director, Real Estate Division

District Public Works Office

Potomac River Naval Command

U.S. Naval Gun Factory

Washington 25, D. C.

Dear Mr. Dammann:

Attached for your files is a plat property executed by the Administrator of General Services Administration transferring to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia under PL-143 the Old Naval Hospital property, 921 Pennsylvania Avenue, S. E., Washington, D. C. (GSA Control No. N-DC-428).

This property was reported by your department on SF-118 dated March 2, 1961, and was disposed of in accordance with GSA regulations.

Sincerely yours,

(SIGNED) L. E. Nunnally

L. E. Nunnally

Chief, Real Property Division

Utilization and Disposal Service



Official filep3UR

Reading file-3UR

Mr. Dodson-3U

Mr. Wilconx-3CO-URE

Mr. Walls-3U


This site is sponsored by the Friends of the Old Naval Hospital

Last updated November 8, 2008