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Appointment of Ammi B. Young to Superintendant of Construction

October 14, 1864

Monthly Report of the Superintendent of Construction, October 2, 1865, Page 4 of 4

October 14, 1864

Mr. Ammi B Young

Washington, D.C.


You are hereby appointed Superintendent of a building, to be erected in the city of Washington D.C. for a Naval Hospital, on a lot of land situated between 9 and 10 Streets East, and Pennsylvania Avenue, and E Street South, in general accordance with the plans, elevations, and specifications for the same, approved by the Navy Department October 11, 1864, subject to such alteration, from time to time, as may be orderd by the proper authority.

You are authorized to proceed immediately to purchase, in open market, all necessary materials of the best quality; and to employ such mechanics, laborers, as may be required for the prompt and economical construction of the Hospital, in the best and most workmanlike manner, with the least avoidable delay, and all the above, subject to may approval, and control.

The purchases are to be limited, in all cases, by the sum or sums for the time being appropriated for this purpose, and you will make a monthly report of purchases, and disbursements, to this office, and of the progress of the work.

The bills for purchases, pay if unknown, will be paid by the Navy Agent in this City, upon the presentation of bills certified by you, and approved by me, but no material will be paid for, until after delivery and inspection; nor, in case of labor, till executed.

As compensation fpr your services you will be paid five per cent upon disbursements for the building, and appendages, chargeable to the appropraition for construction.

You will please advise me whether you accept the position under the conditions and requirements above specified.

Very respectfully

W. Whelan

This site is sponsored by the Friends of the Old Naval Hospital

Last updated September 15, 2009